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1886 Benz patent motor car

1886 Benz patent motor car1886 Benz patent motor car1886 Benz patent motor car1886 Benz patent motor car1886 Benz patent motor car
1886 Benz patent motor car

1886 Benz patent motor car

The 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen model car is a precise reproduction of Karl Benz's first automobile. With authentic design, high-quality materials and scale size, it is ideal for collectors and as a decorative element. The moving parts give the model a realistic touch and capture the fascination of automotive history. An impressive tribute to the groundbreaking innovation of 1886.

Technische Daten und Varianten

scale: 1:43

Material: sterling silver

weight: approx. 50 grams

packaging: inclusive

(limited edition of 2,000 pieces)

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

1886 Benz patent motor car

1886 Benz patent motor car

The 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen model car is a precise reproduction of Karl Benz's first automobile. With authentic design, high-quality materials and scale size, it is ideal for collectors and as a decorative element. The moving parts give the model a realistic touch and capture the fascination of automotive history. An impressive tribute to the groundbreaking innovation of 1886.

Technische Daten und Varianten

scale: 1:43

Material: sterling silver

weight: approx. 50 grams

packaging: inclusive

(limited edition of 2,000 pieces)

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

1886 Benz patent motor car

1886 Benz patent motor car

The 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen model car is a precise reproduction of Karl Benz's first automobile. With authentic design, high-quality materials and scale size, it is ideal for collectors and as a decorative element. The moving parts give the model a realistic touch and capture the fascination of automotive history. An impressive tribute to the groundbreaking innovation of 1886.

Technische Daten und Varianten

scale: 1:43

Material: sterling silver

weight: approx. 50 grams

packaging: inclusive

(limited edition of 2,000 pieces)

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

1886 Benz patent motor car

1886 Benz patent motor car

The 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen model car is a precise reproduction of Karl Benz's first automobile. With authentic design, high-quality materials and scale size, it is ideal for collectors and as a decorative element. The moving parts give the model a realistic touch and capture the fascination of automotive history. An impressive tribute to the groundbreaking innovation of 1886.

Technische Daten und Varianten

scale: 1:43

Material: sterling silver

weight: approx. 50 grams

packaging: inclusive

(limited edition of 2,000 pieces)

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

1886 Benz patent motor car

1886 Benz patent motor car

The 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen model car is a precise reproduction of Karl Benz's first automobile. With authentic design, high-quality materials and scale size, it is ideal for collectors and as a decorative element. The moving parts give the model a realistic touch and capture the fascination of automotive history. An impressive tribute to the groundbreaking innovation of 1886.

Technische Daten und Varianten

scale: 1:43

Material: sterling silver

weight: approx. 50 grams

packaging: inclusive

(limited edition of 2,000 pieces)

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

Item number
Price per:
1 piece
inkl. 19% Mwst. zzgl. Versand
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