+49 (0) 71 73 / 1 88 0 info@fritz-reu.de

Contract Cancellation

Contract cancellation REU

You may cancel a contract by sending a written notice (e.g. letter, fax, email) or by returning the goods already delivered without stating any reasons. Contracts may only be cancelled within 14 days of receiving this statement – or within 14 days after receipt of the goods (after receipt of the first installment shipment of repeadly delivered goods of the same kind) and following our compliance with article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB. The cancellation comes into effect only if the written notice has been sent off or the goods have been returned within this 14-day period. The cancellation needs to be addressed and sent to Firma Fritz Reu GmbH & Co. KG, Metallwarenfabrik, Gmünder Strasse 30-32, 73540 Heubach

Consequences of cancellation

Once a cancellation comes into effect/ a contract has been cancelled both parties are obliged to return or repay all goods received or services rendered inlcuding benefits such as interest rates.

If you are unable to return or repay goods received or services/ benefits rendered (e.g. benefits of use) or cannot do so in full or only in a deteriorated state/ not „as new“ we may ask you to pay compensation to the extent required. We may demand compensation for goods returned in a deteriorated state or derived benefits only if the benefits from and deteriorated state of the goods are a result of using the goods beyond the “normal testing of features and functionality“. “Normal testing of features and functionality“ corresponds to the testing of features and functionality as is possible and common practice at any bricks and mortar retailer.

Products consignable by parcel post may be returned at our risk. Products may be returned at your expense only if the goods have been delivered according to and conformity with the order placed/ as ordered and the price of the goods to be returned does not exceed 40 euros or if your contractual obligations have not been fulfilled in part or full at the time of cancelling the contract. We are obliged to refund our customers within 30 days of your sending off a written notice or returning the goods and withint 30 days of our receiving proper notice or the goods.



Fritz Reu GmbH & Co.KG
Gmünder Strasse 30–32
73540 Heubach

 I hereby wish to cancel the contract for the purchase of the following goods:

 Order placed on/ received on:

Name of customer:

Address of customer:

Signature of customer:
