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Takeover of REU Münzmanufaktur

TD Holding, represented by Mr. Tobias Dalacker and Mr. Thorsten Dalacker, is pleased to announce that it is taking over the Heubach-based company Fritz Reu Münzmanufaktur.
The dynamic takeover will strengthen TD Holding's presence in the area of metal and precious metal processing and enable us to expand our customer base as a provider of a wide range of services in the area of manufacturing and embossing metal products.
At the same time, we also want to optimize our entire production process with the takeover. In doing so, we build on the value chain right from the start, which we want to further expand and connect with the takeover.

Fritz Reu GmbH & Co. KG is optimally integrated into the companies that already exist under TD Holding, which, in addition to Münzmanufaktur GmbH, also
Les Graveurs GmbH, LG Galvanik and a precious metals trade (www.muenzkauf.de) count.

We are pleased to welcome Reu Münz- und Medaillenmanufaktur GmbH to this group and thus create a leading network of internationally active companies, which now operates in the field of precious metal processing with three locations and a total of over 100 employees — this guarantees us an even more significant position in the market.
At the same time, all companies grouped under TD Holding will benefit equally from the shared knowledge pool and the know-how of the players involved.

The previous managing director of Reu Münzmanufaktur, Mr. Berthold Krieg, will continue to manage the fate of the company, which from now on operates under the name Reu Münz- und Medaillenmanufaktur GmbH. The entire TD Holding will thus benefit from his many years of experience in the market and in his expertise.

With the takeover, TD Holding is striving to be able to offer its customers even better and more comprehensive services. The employees of the Reu Coin and Medal Manufactory will be taken on in full and, as a valuable part of our team, will be able to continue to apply their expertise and expertise in direct contact with their customers.

Especially with a view to the 100-year anniversary of the company in 2023, we are planning to further expand the success of our association, create new jobs and further expand customer structures. The takeover of Fritz Reu Münzmanufaktur is a milestone in this project and allows us to look forward to achieving even greater success in close cooperation in the future. We warmly welcome the employees of Reu Coin and Medal Manufactory to our team and look forward to growing and prospering with them.

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